Saturday, February 17, 2018

Removing Characters from a String

found an interesting learning resource it also has a section on programming questions, not so extensive as the awesome, but has some good problems to solve, with solutions. here is my solution to the "Removing Characters from a String" problem ( it is not better, just a different approach

int main()
  std::string name("Ludwig Van Beethoven");
  std::string remove("aeiouAEIOU");
  int walk = 0;
  int last = 1;
  while (last < name.length() && walk < name.length()) {
      auto found = remove.find(name[walk], 0);
      if (found != std::string::npos) {
          char ch = name[walk];
          name[walk] = name[last];
          name[last] = ch;
      } else {
  std::cout << "Hello, " << name.substr(0, walk+1) << "!\n";

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