Tuesday, January 05, 2016

emulator: ERROR: unknown skin name 'nexus_5'

while playing with ionic everything worked fine with the ios emulator, but i got this error when starting the android emulator:
emulator: ERROR: unknown skin name 'nexus_5'
all articles on stackoverflow advised to remove the default created avd image and create a new one. this is fine, but how do i find and run the avd manager on mac?
well there is a quick tip for this too:
go to where android is installed, for me it was
i cound't find anything named 'avd' there though, but it turned out the correct way to invoke this is
./android avd
now, the avd manager should run and you can create a new virtual device.
but why did we receive the error in the first place?
i my setup there was a default created device for nexus_5, so i decided to run it and...got the same error. so the virtual device itself was bad? turned out an easy fix - avd itself tells you if there is a problem with the device and it was easy to just set the skin to a valid one - probably on osx the android sdk somehow doesn't provide the nexus_5 skin?

after this running
ionic emulate android
ran flawlessly and the sample app appeared.

i'm very excited about ionic, let's see if something will come out of this too. one point of bother for me is that i only yesterday found that that the current ionic is ionic framework 1, and there is a v2 in the works, to be released around Q3. so should i even start with v1, will it not be obsolete to invest in it, when v2 finally arrives?

just realised this is my first post for 2016 :) Happy New Year everyone!

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