i played a few days with the mm shared memory lib. i must say i liked it!
it is easy to understand and easy to implement into existing code.
of course the lack of new()/delete() is somewhat limiting, but not that difficult to overcome in most cases.
alternatively, on our project we were looking into boost:interprocess, but i was kinda reluctant to use it, mostly because of the syntax (btw i found a boost/ace alternative at POCO, the users and designers say it provides boost/ace-a-like functionality, even if it cannot compare in perfomance, but the best gain is the C#-oriented syntax; probably worth it to examine).
there was one really weird problem with mm though, when i got the impression that mm_lock() wasnt working.
the workflow was a follows:
we have a hash located on the shared memory segment and before i get() from it i mm_lock it and subsequently mm_unlock() it. still i noticed that many times same value was being written to the hash, which was unexpected by design.
i fired our test up to create a few working processes and breaked in each one before a get(). the locks seemed to work, but after a put() suddenly the lock seemed to vanish in the haze?! digging deeper i found out that in put() we of course try to allocad some new memory in the shared mem segment and traceing down into mm_malloc i found out it was trying to lock too, and when done - calling mm_unlock()! piece of bad design or weird side-effect? either way, apart from that my impressions with OSSP mm were great. however it turned out that the boost guys go a few more tricks up in their sleeves, especially the name persisted storage seemed a very attractive idea for our purposes and we eventually decided to use the boost approach.
so...moving on and up again :)
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