Tuesday, March 01, 2005

activex - save graphics to file

i'm writing an mfc activex control and want to save its visuals to a file. so how should i do this? the graphics on the control are created through GDI+, so should i go through Graphics contents to an Image, or may be through CDC?

so far i have this:

CDC* pdc = GetDC();

RECT rect;

Graphics graphics(pdc->GetSafeHdc());
Bitmap bitmap(rect.right -
rect.left, rect.bottom -
rect.top, &graphics);

CLSID pngClsid;
GetEncoderClsid(L"image/jpeg", &pngClsid);

bitmap.Save(fineName, &pngClsid, NULL);

but it just outputs a black screen, which is understandable

luckily my search led me to GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics method and this post:

where this guy - "Avery" - gives a great hint: it turns out creating the Image this way only gives a blank Image compatible with the Graphics object. to get the visuals all the graphics have to be done on a Graphics object derived from this Image. so i rewrote my drawing procedure to a function to be called with a Graphics object and depending on what i want - i would pass either the Graphics derived from the CDC in OnDraw, or the one needed for saving the image to a file... voila!

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